Lots For Sale - Surveyed

ISO-19139 Metadata

Metadata Information

Metadata language: eng
Metadata character set: utf8
Last update: 2020-12-09
Metadata maintenance:
Update frequency: daily
Metadata contact:
Role: custodian
Organization's name: Land Management Branch – Government of Yukon
Contact information:
e-mail address: lands.gis@gov.yk.ca
Scope of the data described by the metadata: dataset
Scope name: dataset
Name of the metadata standard used: ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
Version of the metadata standard: 2007
Metadata identifier: 4E14BD76-E256-490D-B9C1-68E474458ECA

Data Identification Information

Resource citation:
Title: Lots For Sale - Surveyed
Reference date - publication: 2014-01-01
Presentation format: mapDigital
Cited responsible party:
Role: custodian
Organization's name: Land Management Branch – Government of Yukon
Contact information:
Delivery point: P.O. Box 2703 (K-320)
City: Whitehorse
Administrative area: Yukon
Postal code: Y1A2C6
Country: CA
e-mail address: lands.gis@gov.yk.ca
Themes or categories of the resource: planningCadastre
Descriptive keywords:
Theme keywords:
Keywords: survey, lot for sale, available land, sale, land
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type not provided
Keywords: Downloadable Data
Keyword thesaurus:
Citation reference: 723f6998-058e-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66
Abstract: This feature identifies surveyed lots available for sale over the counter or in a land lottery or tender at the Land Management Branch. Lot availability is subject to change. Contact Land Management Branch for confirmation.Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon. Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection.For more information: geomatics.help@gov.yk.ca
Purpose: Used to display available lots for sale by the Land Management Branch, Yukon Government.
Dataset language:eng
Dataset character set: utf8
Status: underDevelopment
Resource maintenance:
Update frequency: monthly
Resource constraints:
General constraints:
Limitations of use: Open Government Licence - Yukon (https://open.yukon.ca/data/open-government-licence-yukon)
Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Limitations of use: Data created by the Government of Yukon may be printed, copied or reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Reproductions must be accurate and must not be represented as an official version. Reproduction or redistribution for commercial purposes requires advance written permission from the Government of Yukon.
Other constraints: Public. No constraints.
Aggregated resource information:
Association type: crossReference
Spatial representation type: vector
Processing environment: Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS
Resource extent:
Extent description: publication date
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -139.434376
East longitude: -128.081273
North latitude: 64.232232
South latitude: 59.965233
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -139.434376
East longitude: -128.081273
North latitude: 64.232232
South latitude: 59.965233
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -139.430145
East longitude: -128.081307
North latitude: 64.232023
South latitude: 59.965409
Supplemental information: Lot availability is subject to change and this data is updated monthly. Contact Lands Branch for confirmation.
Credits: Government of Yukon
Resource point of contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Organization's name: Land Management Branch – Government of Yukon
Contact information:
e-mail address: lands.gis@gov.yk.ca

Spatial Representation

Vector Data

Level of topology for this dataset: geometryOnly
Geometric objects:
Object type: composite
Object count: 307

Reference System Information

Reference system identifier:
Value: 3578
Code space: EPSG
Version: 6.13(

Data Quality

Scope of quality information:
Level of the data:dataset
Resource lineage:
Lineage statement: Government of Yukon , Energy, Mines and Resources, Land Management Branch
Source extent:
Extent description: publication date
Data quality report:
Completeness omission:
Measure produced by the test: Part of survey cadastre.
Data quality result:
Data quality report:
Absolute external positional accuracy:
Measure produced by the test: surveyed lots
Data quality result:

Distribution Information

Distribution format:
Format name: Feature Class
Format version:
Transfer options:
Online distribution information:
Online location: https://yukon.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=14d9e3cf6cb44b7f86acf02db4323e0e
Transfer options:
Online distribution information:
Online location: https://map-data.service.yukon.ca/GeoYukon/Land_Tenure/Lots_For_Sale_Surveyed/